Vegetables Suppliers, Wholesalers and Distributors in Singapore.
List of Vegetable wholesaler, Suppliers and distributors in Singapore for food services, F&B industry. From wholesalers to distributors of all types of vegetables, legumes, roots, herbs and spices. Vegetable importers from various countries to Singapore. The supplier distributes both fresh and frozen vegetables, anything from Asparagus to Zucchini. An A-Z of vegetables from our legumes and vegetables wholesalers in Singapore.
Supplier imports produce from all over the world, neighboring countries like Malaysia, Indonesia as well as Thailand.
Vegetables, including the leaves, roots, tubers, flowers, stems, seeds and shoots. Not to mention Legumes are seeds of plants and are eaten in their immature form as green peas and beans. Examples of tubers include potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, jicama, and yams
Search for suppliers who supply processed vegetables in cut, sliced, diced or peeled form.
Updated: 05/07/2023